Senate Must Prohibit Federal Retirement Savings from Flowing to China

Americans fund companies that exploit human labor, build a surveillance state hostile to U.S. As the Senate considers a defense bill, Sens. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican, and Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire Democrat, are pushing for an important bipartisan amendment. They want to protect federal employees from unwittingly investing in America’s greatest geopolitical adversary, China. The…

House Republicans are Leading Major Rethink on China Trade

Times are changing. Where the GOP once stalwartly supported “free trade,” many Republicans are now openly questioning the effectiveness of U.S. trade policy. And in Congress, both Republicans and Democrats are looking to rewrite America’s problematic trading relationship with China. In particular, bipartisan consensus is emerging on the need to overhaul an obscure part of U.S. customs…

Opinion | Import Shortages Make Case for a ‘Made in USA’ Resurgence

Michael Stumo \ January 3, 2022 \ The Washington Times In addition to the health crisis spawned by the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States is now experiencing significant shortages of consumer goods. These troubles extend across a wide range of products, including everything from bicycles and cars to prescription medicines. But the problems run even…