American Thinker: Fast-Tracking America’s Economic Destruction

Last week’s congressional committee votes to give President Obama “Fast Track” negotiating power may go down in economic history as among the most self-destructive ever.  The leaders of the Republican Party betrayed their voters, may have destroyed their own political careers, and may have even destroyed America’s economic future. [Reposted from American Thinker  |  Howard…

The Hill: “TPP will undercut US national security”

  To persuade Congress to give him authority for concluding negotiation of a proposed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement, President Obama is emphasizing that such an undertaking is essential to national security. [by Clyde Prestowitz | April 29, 2015 | The Hill] The appeal to patriotism is always powerful, but in this instance…

Sen. Menendez Human Rights Amendment to Fast Track Bill

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Democratic Senator Robert Menendez said on Monday he would strongly resist any attempt to override a human-trafficking amendment to trade legislation that some say could derail a Pacific trade pact. [Reposted from Reuters  |  Richard Cowan; Krista Hughes; Leslie Adler  |  April 28, 2015] The amendment, approved by the Senate Finance…

WSJ: New Push to Win Backing for Pacific Trade Bill

Obama and GOP leaders intensify push to win votes after warning that support in the House may be lacking [Reposted from the Wall Street Journal  |  William Mauldin and Siobhan Hughes  |  April 30, 2015] President Barack Obama and Republican leaders intensified their push Thursday to win votes for major trade legislation after lawmakers warned…

Politico: Obama trade bill in trouble

The House is currently dozens of votes short of being able to pass legislation that would allow President Barack Obama to send trade deals to Congress for fast approval, according to senior lawmakers and aides in both parties, imperiling a top White House priority for the president’s final years in office. [Reposted from Politico  | …