US Report Criticizes China’s Currency Policy

The Obama administration said Wednesday that China’s currency remains “significantly undervalued,” but it stopped short of citing China or any other country for unfairly manipulating its currency to gain trade advantages. [by Martin Crutsinger | October 15, 2014 | AP Economics Writer In a new report by the Treasury Department, the administration did warn China…

America Must Face Up to the China Challenge

There are four harsh realities regarding China’s rise with which America must soon come to terms. [by Robert Haddick | October 17, 2014 | the National Interest] Regular readers of the National Interest enjoy a rich flow of essays debating the consequences of China’s return as a great power and how U.S. policy makers should…

How much is Boeing worth here? Plenty

If you want to see the dilemma policymakers and elected officials face when forced to hand out billions of dollars in corporate welfare to Boeing — and the company still announces it will make 777X parts in St. Louis, not the Puget Sound — study this map from the Brookings Institution: [by Jon Talton |…

Getting Real About China

China’s harsh suppression of political dissent, from Hong Kong to Xinjiang, and its close ties to Russia, Iran and North Korea, have finally laid to rest the dream many Western leaders have had since the 1990s: that “constructive engagement” would eventually, inevitably lead to more openness and democracy. [by Wesley K. Clark | October 10,…

China currency push takes aim at dollar

Protests over democracy in Hong Kong may be preoccupying the Chinese leadership, but a subject of still greater international importance is being played out this week behind closed doors in Washington. China is bidding to enter the heart of global finance by establishing its currency, the renminbi, as part of an ubiquitous monetary unit used…