Inside US Trade: TPP Talks Likely To Stretch To Weekend Despite Auto Progress, Levin To Travel To Atlanta

ATLANTA — The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) ministerial taking place here is now considered increasingly likely to last beyond Friday (Oct. 2) due to continuing differences on dairy market access and monopoly protections for biologic drugs, despite key parties being close to a deal on the automotive rules of origin. [Reposted from Inside US Trade  | …

Inside U.S. Trade: “U.S. Formally Proposes Carveout Of Anti-Tobacco Measures From ISDS”

  ATLANTA – In a move that is likely to ignite a firestorm on Capitol Hill, the Obama administration on Wednesday (Sept. 30) formally proposed language in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement that would prevent tobacco control measures from being challenged under the deal’s investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism, according to sources close to the…

A look at U.S. beef imports vs. exports

  The United States imported 2.95 billion pounds and exported 2.57 billion of beef in 2014.  This was the first year since 2009 that imports exceeded exports.  [by Rob Cook | September 30, 2015 | Drovers Cattle Network] The first time that the United States ever exported more beef than it imported was in 2010.…