R-CALF: R-CALF USA Applauds USTR Request to Arbitrate COOL; Urges Congress to Not Interfere with Arbitration Process

R-CALF United Stockgrowers of America–“Fighting for the U.S.Cattle Producer” For Immediate Release June 18, 2015  Billings, Mont. – On Tuesday, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) formally triggered an arbitration process with Canada regarding country of origin labeling (COOL) at the World Trade Organization (WTO). The purpose of the arbitration process is to determine the…

The Hill: Obama, GOP revive fast-track bill

President Obama and GOP leaders in both chambers are inching toward a deal to save the White House trade agenda. [Reposted from The Hill  |  Alexander Bolton and Scott Wong  |  June 17, 2015] Republican leaders announced the House will vote Thursday on giving Obama fast-track authority, less than a week after a failed vote…

Levin: TPA Surrenders Congressional Leverage

WASHINGTON – Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) today delivered the following remarks on the House floor in opposition to TPA, the “fast-track” trade bill: [Reposted from the Ways and Means site  |  Sander Levin  |  June 18, 2015] It is said that we should write the rules, not China. But make…

CPA Statement: House Passes Fast Track Narrowly

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 18, 2015 Contact: Sara Haimowitz, [email protected]   The Coalition for a Prosperous America CEO, Michael Stumo, today issued a statement regarding the close House vote in favor of Fast Track trade authority for President Obama. “Pro-trade deficit legislators achieved a close house vote for ‘Fast Track’ trade authority today. Because the…

Politico: GOP leaders hatch trade workaround

House Speaker John Boehner and Republican leaders are moving to revive President Barack Obama’s beleaguered trade agenda with an elaborate procedural workaround that was quickly greeted with skepticism among some Democrats. [Reposted from Politico  |  Manu Raju and Jack Sherman  |  Juen 16, 2015] Under the emerging plan, the House would vote on a bill…