As the White House prepares to submit the Trans-Pacific Partnership to Congress in the coming months, it has been touting its record on trade enforcement to persuade lawmakers to vote for the 12-nation pact. The United Steelworkers union on Monday upped the ante on that front by asking President Barack Obama to impose a 50…

American Politicians Sign Bad Trade Agreements Because They Don’t Understand International Law

  The debate over signing the awful Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade agreement is hamstrung by the fact that some American politicians don’t seem to understand what international law is. [Ian Fletcher| April 15, 2016 |Huffington Post] They talk about signing this agreement like it’s a lease on an storefront in Indianapolis, where what’s written down on paper really…

United Auto Workers: Reject the TPP

To the Editor: American families devastated by the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs and lower wages would be dumbfounded by Eduardo Porter’s March 30 Economic Scene column, “The Jobs Nafta Saved.” Germany, Japan and other countries continue to have strong domestic auto industries while also paying livable, middle-class wages. American corporations take advantage of the North…