Fake Trade News: WTO Cases vs Trade Wars

By Michael Stumo, CEO of CPA Fake trade news abounds. Periodically politicians, reporters or pundits who should know better warn of a “trade war”.  A trade war, they fret, will happen if the US defends its economic interests by taking action.  That action will certainly (or could possibly, maybe, eventually) be found unlawful by a…

Media Coverage: CEO Of CPA Quoted In Inside US Trade Regarding Methodologies to Calculate Trade Deficit

Coalition for a Prosperous America CEO Michael Stumo told Inside U.S. Trade his organization supports the Trump administration’s “shift towards consistently removing the inaccuracies caused by including pass-through goods — or re-exports — from the trade data.” “While there can be inaccuracies in both calculations — as in many government statistics — the narrower Domestic Exports minus…

Trump Administration Considers Change in Calculating U.S. Trade Deficit

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is considering changing the way it calculates U.S. trade deficits, a shift that would make the country’s trade gap appear larger than it had in past years, according to people involved in the discussions. [WILLIAM MAULDIN and DEVLIN BARRETT | February 19, 2017 |Wall Street Journal] The leading idea under consideration would exclude from U.S.…