McConnell: Senate won’t take up TPP this year

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) appeared to close the door Thursday on the Senate taking up the Obama administration’s signature Asia-Pacific trade deal during what’s left of the president’s term. [Jordain Carney| August 25, 2016 | The Hill] “The current agreement, the Trans-Pacific [Partnership], which has some serious flaws, will not be acted upon this year,” McConnell…

Former USTR official shows how trade negotiators are out of touch

Former Deputy US Trade Representative Wendy Cutler recently published a Forbes commentary criticizing the national backlash against trade agreements and supporting the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade and global governance deal. The article troublingly displays how the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) has failed to adjust trade strategy to correct for past mistakes. Snarky straw man…

Why the TPP Deal Won’t Improve Our Security

Washington — With both presidential candidates running on their opposition to President Obama’s proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement, the White House is gearing up for one last, desperate push to get the deal through Congress. The pitch, which will begin in a few weeks, will rely on what President Obama thinks is his ace in the hole:…