America: China’s Mercantile Resource Colony

Editor’s note: This is an excellent article with a short economic history of how strategic trade, in the form of tariff intervention, is a fundamental part of how successful nations grow from poor to rich. From Great Britain to the United States to China. [Spencer P. Morrison| December 11th, 2018 | American Greatness] China’s economy is…

Commentary: May’s Brexit deal ignores Leavers’ real grievance

Editor’s note: This article is posted because the UK’s trade deficit in goods was one reason voters approved Brexit last year. It parallels the trade deficit harm caused in the US. Excerpt: “One priority is a sustained effort to promote manufacturing, which provides well-paid jobs and is especially important in the Midlands, the north of England and Northern Ireland.…

We don’t feel better off, because we’re not

Earlier this year, trade experts explained to two audiences in Seattle how workers should adjust to the global economy. Workers displaced by global competition could learn computer skills and move to Boston, San Francisco, and Seattle. [Stan Sorscher | December 7, 2018 | The Stand] One of the experts expressed disappointment at her failure in…