Dan DiMicco: The Real World of Global Trade – Free Trade is a Myth!
There is no such thing in the real world. Free Trade exists only in the minds of those who wish to use it’s ‘name’ to
There is no such thing in the real world. Free Trade exists only in the minds of those who wish to use it’s ‘name’ to
President Obama and his predecessors have frequently claimed that free trade agreements (FTAs) and other trade deals will lead to growing exports and domestic job
The number of House Democrats and Republicans who have publicly voiced outright opposition or strong skepticism toward the renewal of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) has
In an unexpected move, China this week announced to signatories of the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) that it does not intend to improve the market
You really need an anthology of catch-phrases you hear in this benighted town of DC to understand the difference between what people actually say
BEIJING—U.S. businesses in China have voiced increased concerns over what they see as rising anti-foreign sentiment and more difficult operating conditions as the economy
CEO Michael Stumo’s comment: “Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew’s opposition to fixing rampant global currency devaluation is extraordinarily off the mark. He says it could
Dearest Member of Congress, Will you be my Valentine? If I have betrayed your trust, I am sorry that you feel that way. I’ve been
Trade is a hot topic on Capitol Hill this year. President Obama has asked members of Congress for “fast track” trade promotion authority in order
Sens. Brown, Sessions, Schumer, Graham, and Stabenow to Introduce the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2015. Addressing Currency Manipulation Could Create Nearly Six