I For One, Welcome Our 3D Printer Overlords

[Greg Autry| November 22, 2016 |Forbes] KIRK: Twenty? I can’t run a starship with twenty crew. WESLEY: The M-5 can. KIRK: And what am I supposed to do? WESLEY: You’ve got a great job, Jim. All you have to do is sit back and let the machine do the work.                  -“The Ultimate Computer”, Star Trek, 1968 One clear message…

Alan Tonelson: Key to a Great Economy Is a World-Class Manufacturing Sector

[John Hayward| November 16, 2016 |Breitbart] Economist Alan Tonelson, founder of the economics and public policy blog RealityChek, joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily to talk about Donald Trump’s vision for the economy. Tonelson said it was “painfully clear” that “tens of millions of American voters were reacting to not only the version of…

CPA Applauds Trump’s Promise to Withdraw from TPP

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENovember 22, 2016 Contact: Paola Masman, Media Director 202-688-5145 ext 2, [email protected] CPA Applauds Trump’s Promise to Withdraw from TPP Washington~ President elect, Donald Trump, issued a video on Monday outlining his policy plans for his first 100 days in office and vowing to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership…

The Waterloo of Market Fundamentalism

[Ian Fletcher| November 17, 2016 |Huffington Post] Trump’s election represents a lot of things, but one thing that doesn’t seem to have been quite noticed as much as it should be is this: it is the Battle of Waterloo, the final decisive defeat, of market fundamentalism. Market fundamentalism, for readers unfamiliar with the term, is the belief…

Getting free trade right

[Peter Morici| November 20, 2016 |Washington Times] Globalization is inevitable and nothing about the presidential campaign changed that. Ever since merchants first moved among human settlements, people have exchanged goods, blended cultures and specialized to create wealth, but trade also creates winners and losers. Donald Trump has seized on an enduring truth: whether America or…