Students ‘think manufacturing’ at expo

CPA member Roger Sustar of Fredon Corporation helped sponsor the second annual Think Manufacturing Student Expo in Willoughby, OH. [Reposted from Crains Cleveland Business | By Amy Popik | October 9, 2014] Students got a glimpse into the world of manufacturing at the second annual Think Manufacturing Student Expo at South High School in Willoughby…

Why Pursue a Balanced Trade Goal?

The economy-gutting results of US trade policy are caused by Congress’ prime directive to the President.  Reduce trade barriers. Why is that the wrong goal? Because, while plausible, it’s primary result has been to enable foreign trade cheating, 40 years of deficits, de-industrialization and job losses. CPA has placed a high priority on Balanced Trade…

Globalizing our Courts

  The part of trade agreements that basically globalizes the court system is really becoming a hot issue.  Even The Economist is taking note.  Its called Investor-State Dispute Resolution.  Foreign companies can sue US local, state or federal government bodies and force them to appear before international tribunals.  Investor-state dispute settlement The arbitration game [October…

Global Trade Imbalances are Threat to Stability

Stumo note: The IMF continues to warn about persistent trade imbalances as a threat to global stability. That’s why CPA’s balanced trade proposal is not only good for the U.S. but also good for the world.  You can’t have global stability with continued surpluses among some countries and deficits among others. Note that while the…