Amazon Patents Blockchain Product Authenticator to Fight Counterfeiting
Editor’s note: Just as Amazon seeks to use blockchain to fight counterfeiting, US Customs and Border Protection should consider using blockchain to fight customs fraud
Editor’s note: Just as Amazon seeks to use blockchain to fight counterfeiting, US Customs and Border Protection should consider using blockchain to fight customs fraud
Editor’s note: Rep. Mike Gallagher says that it is time to stop denying it and acknowledge that we are in a cold war with China. Some
Editor’s note: Senator Hawley v stateless multinationals in China. The ones that are patriotic only when convenient. Today, on the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square
Editor’s note: A few stateless multinationals in the US finally get the message that China is not their friend. But Merkel, EU and other leaders of
Excerpt: The CPA Reshoring Index (CRI) reports some good news—that the share of American-made manufacturing goods consumed in the U.S. market jumped significantly in 2019. But can
House Subcommittee ignores funding of sanctioned Chinese companies, overlooks violations of U.S. securities laws Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) this week sent
Editors note: As these current crises ebb, we need to get the focus back on currency misalignment that will hamper our recovery. The Treasury is
Editor’s note: If the phase one deal is pronounced dead, China decoupling becomes even more likely. Remember the phase one trade deal that the Republican
By Steven L. Byers, PhD and Jeff Ferry The coronavirus disrupted international trade and led to a collapse in US trade volume which makes it
Excerpt: The new bill that Sen. Baldwin introduced, the Country of Origin Labeling Online Act (COOL), would mandate a prominent country-of-origin description for all products