Grassroots battling establishment on trade at conventions

These are interesting times. Sen. Ted Cruz refused to endorse Donald Trump in the GOP convention. Sen. Bernie Sanders did endorse Hillary Clinton but his supporters tanked Debbie Wasserman Schultz and protested speakers at the Democratic convention.  [Michael Stumo| July 27, 2016 |The Hill]  Trump has promoted a nationalist message of “America First” in trade and foreign relations, opposing or questioning the TPP,…

Dean Baker: Is the TPP Obama’s Vietnam?

The prospects for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) are not looking very good right now. Both parties’ presidential candidates have come out against the deal. Donald Trump has placed it at the top of his list of bad trade deals that he wants to stop or reverse. Hillary Clinton had been a supporter as Secretary of…

White House ignores Kaine’s shift on TPP

President Obama’s top spokesman said Obama supports Hillary Clinton’s decision to pick Sen. Tim Kaine as her running mate, despite his recent about-face on one of Obama’s legacy priorities — ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. [Nicole Duran| July 25, 2016 |Washington Examiner]  “I’ll let Sen. Kaine discusses his position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” press secretary…


Donald Trump took another step toward blowing up the TPP in his speech accepting the Republican Party nomination on Thursday, declaring the United States will no longer join big trade agreements and concentrate instead on enforcing and renegotiating existing trade pacts. [Doug Palmer| July 22, 2016 |Politico]  “No longer will we enter into these massive transactions,…