AFL-CIO Lauds Kaine’s Move To Oppose TPP After VP Pick


The AFL-CIO issued a statement this weekend lauding Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine for changing his stance on the Trans-Pacific Partnership now that he’s Hillary Clinton’s pick for vice president.

[Daily News| July 25, 2016 |Inside US Trade

For the labor group, which has endorsed Clinton, the decision “signifies the beginning of a new era,” it said in a statement. “For years, America has been building toward fundamental and lasting change in how we look at international trade. Driven by workers, it is clear that the Democratic Party, and the country as a whole, are now rejecting backward trade deals with a firmness that will establish a new standard.”

Kaine, of course, voted to give the president fast-track authority last year, and just last week – hours before word of Clinton’s decision leaked – he was praising elements of TPP while saying he had not yet decided how he would vote on it.

Read more at Inside US Trade


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