Currency Manipulation Is a Real Problem

Passionate defenders of the “global rules-based trading system” should be wary of thinking their views are more informed than President Trump’s. He has been branded a protectionist and thus many conclude he is incapable of exercising world leadership. Meanwhile, those who embrace the virtues of global free trade disregard the fact that the “rules” are…

Trump administration’s plan on currency manipulation

WASHINGTON—The White House is exploring a new tactic to discourage China from undervaluing its currency to boost exports, part of an evolving Trump administration strategy to challenge the practices of the U.S.’s largest trading partner while stepping back from direct confrontation. [Bob Davis| February 13, 2017 |Wall Street Journal] Under the plan, the commerce secretary…

Fixing the Bloated Dollar

By Jeff Ferry, CPA Research Director The fear is growing that a rising dollar could sabotage any effort by the Trump Administration to improve the U.S. trade balance as a means of improving the health of our manufacturing industry. Commentators have suggested that the prospect of rising interest rates and higher U.S. economic growth, combined…

The GOP Tax Plan is Bonkers

The mooted GOP tax plan has drawn some positive attention from trade reformers because it’s the first tax plan in decades to make serious moves designed to reduce America’s trade deficit. [Ian Fletcher| February 12, 2017 |Huffington Post] Unfortunately, unless I’m totally missing something, it’s also a seriously crazy document. So crazy, in fact, that despite not being an…

Media Coverage: National Farmers convention speaker: Trade deals harm US agriculture and manufacturing

At National Farmers’ Convention 2017 recently, Brian O’Shaughnessy, co-chairman of the Coalition for a Prosperous America and chairman of Revere Copper Products, talked trade, value-added tax and mercantilism to organization members in Springfield, Missouri. [February 11, 2017 |Midwest Ad Journal] “Since 2000, more than 30 percent of the manufacturing facilities Revere ships products to domestically…