Buy American Waiver – vehicles

  There is a danger of government agencies gutting the USA made standards with “waivers”. The Obama stimulus of 2009 included a requirement that goods purchased with government money are USA made. The US government is the biggest consumer in the world, so its buying choices can drive industry procurement choices. The Federal Highway Administration…

King & Spalding’s Trade & Manufacturing Alert: United States Imposes Duties Against Unfairly Traded Imports Of Non-Oriented Electrical Steel

On November 6, the U.S. International Trade Commission (Commission) determined that imports of non-oriented electrical steel (NOES) from China, Germany, Japan, Korea, Sweden, and Taiwan have materially injured the sole U.S. producer of NOES – AK Steel Corporation (AK Steel). As a result, countervailing duties will be imposed on imports of NOES from China and…

Sen. Robert Byrd: Fast Track is “Acme of Crassitude”

The late Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) was arguably the most avid protector of the constitution, Congress’ power, and American industry. In 2001 he gave this very powerful speech against the constitutional and economic dangers of Fast Track trade authority. H.R.3005 – Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority Act of 2002 Congressional Record — November 9, 2001—Page S11651-…

Dave Johnson: Here’s What ’60 Minutes’ Should Have Reported About Infrastructure

“60 Minutes” ran a report Sunday, “Falling apart: America’s neglected infrastructure,” describing the seriousness and damage to the economy caused by our country’s crumbling infrastructure. [Reposted from the Campaign for America’s Future blog |  Dave Johnson  |  November 25, 2014] Here are a few choice quotes, but really you should click through and watch the…