Forbes: America’s Trade Deficit- The Job Killer

Let’s begin with some basics: Trade deficits must be financed. A country simply cannot have a trade deficit unless private or government investors are willing to finance it. This is not simply an accounting convention – it is real debt. [Reposted from Forbes  |  Mike Collins  |  January  15, 2015] Normally trade deficits are self…

AAM: Manufacturing Gains 8,000 Jobs in February

The Department of Labor reported this morning that America’s manufacturing sector added 8,000 jobs in February. [Reposted from the blog of the Alliance for American Manufacturing  |  March 6, 2014] The #AAMeter, which tracks President Obama’s promise to create 1 million new manufacturing jobs in his second term, progressed to +383,000 jobs, after revisions to…

NYT: A Trade Deal and the Threat to American Jobs

To the Editor: Re “Congress’s Critical Role on Trade” (editorial, March 2): You write, “Congress has a responsibility to give the American negotiators clear instructions on what it would like to see” in a trade agreement. We agree, but in the case of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, those instructions are five years late. [Reposted from the…

CPA at White House to Protect COOL

Charlie Blum (CPA Government Relations Director) and Bill Bullard (CPA Board member and CEO of R-CALF USA) will be at the White House Monday urging the President to protect country of origin labeling for food from challenges by the Mexican and Canadian governments and from international food companies.  They are also urging that the administration…

Michele Nash-Hoff: Brookings Institute Shows Advanced Industries are a Critical Anchor of National Prosperity

There has been a great deal of press about advanced manufacturing since the establishment of Advanced Manufacturing hubs by the Obama administration. However, most people don’t know what this really means. The Brookings Institute recently released a new report that provides the answer: “America’s Advanced Industries, what they are, where they are, and why they…