The Impact of TPP Tariff Removal on Canadian Trade

OTTAWA – In the midst of the federal government’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) consultations, a new study from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) sheds further doubt on claims the deal will generate significant trade benefits for Canada.    [CCPA| May 31, 2016 |Policy Alternatives] The study finds that the removal of tariffs in the…

Aligning American firms with American values

During the Reagan administration, American companies believed that in addition to returning profits to their shareholders, they also held a moral obligation to consider the interests of their employees, community and nation. [Dana Rohrabacher and Greg Autry| May 26, 2016 |Washington Times] America’s current business model suffers from a tragic misalignment of interests that is…

The Leaks Go On

The 18th round of negotiations on a secret deal to limit public oversight over the services economy starts today at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, and negotiators will have a new item on their agenda: how to deal with the onslaught of leaks of proposals that were supposed to remain locked away in…