British Trade Boost Shows Currency Devaluation Works

By Jeff Ferry, CPA Research Director Establishment free traders often claim trade policy reform is futile, urging us instead to simply trust the free market. Recent experience in Britain shows that one trade policy—currency devaluation—does work, and pretty quickly too. Despite imports growing more expensive, both consumption and exports increased. The British trade deficit has,…

Schumer: Trump a ’98-pound weakling’ on China

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday needled President Donald Trump to get tougher on trade with Beijing ahead of the former businessman’s Mar-a-Lago meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. [ ELANA SCHOR and DOUG PALMER] April 5th, 2017 [Politico] Schumer lobbed his latest challenge at Trump alongside Sens. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Bob Casey (D-Pa.), both of…

Ahead of oral argument, industry backs U.S. Steel’s antitrust claim in 337 case

AK Steel Corporation, the United Steelworkers, and other manufacturers have submitted comments urging the U.S. International Trade Commission to reverse an administrative law judge’s dismissal of U.S. Steel’s antitrust claim against Chinese companies, saying the case is based on section 337 trade-remedy law which functions differently than broader antitrust laws because it is designed to…

Donald Trump will make trade fair again

The US has the lowest trade barriers and the largest trade deficit in the world — $500bn annually. [Wilbur Ross] April 4th, 2017 [Financial Times] This is why President Donald Trump has directed the US Department of Commerce to report back within 90 days with a comprehensive analysis of the economic realities and the fine details of…