Don’t Worry About Trump’s Tariffs

Last week President Trump announced new tariffs on steel and aluminum products, and the response couldn’t have been more negative — critics warned of trade wars, recession, global instability. But the blowback is overblown, and seems to constitute reflexive anti-Trump sentiment rather than careful economic reasoning. [Josh Bivens | March 5, 2018 | NY Times]…

Tariffs on steel, aluminum are long overdue

Yesterday, President Donald Trump said that he has decided to impose tariffs of 25% on all steel imports and 10% on aluminum imports, promising to sign the measures next week. Trade remedies for steel and aluminum are long overdue. [Robert E. Scott | March 2, 2018 | Marketwatch] Trump promised quick action after announcing investigations of the national-security…

Trump rightly puts foot down on steel cheating

As the recent Winter Olympics reminds us, cheating is absolutely unacceptable in the international arena. A policy of “zero tolerance” is enforced, and any athletes taking performance-enhancing drugs are immediately disqualified.  Op-ed By Michael Stumo Originally Appeared on The Hill Unfortunately, such scrutiny doesn’t always extend to the world of international trade, with countries like…

Press Release: CPA Praises President Trump for Announcing Crucial Safeguard Tariffs on Imported Steel and Aluminum

Emergency tariffs will help to protect domestic steel producers against surging imports   Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous American (CPA) strongly applauds President Trump’s announcement of Section 232 safeguard tariffs on an unprecedented surge of steel and aluminum imports. The US Commerce Department recently reported that a wave of heavily subsidized steel and aluminum from China and 11…