Tariffs Are a Sideshow Compared to the Weaponized Dollar

In recent years, U.S. manufacturers have been competing, and often losing, against government-owned Chinese companies intent on taking market share at any cost. Thankfully, President Donald Trump is fighting back with tariffs to protect domestic industries against China’s economic aggression. Op-ed originally appears on LifeZette In response to the president’s tariffs, naïve free trade pundits…

Treasury’s Foreign Exchange Report: Another Missed Opportunity to Address Trade Imbalances

President Trump has made reducing the large US trade deficit a priority. However, he has delegated responsibility on this objective to officials who lack any useful tools to affect the trade balance. Meanwhile, the agency that has traditionally been responsible for trade imbalances—the Treasury Department—just issued another semiannual report(link is external) that bemoans the problem without giving…

Another Voice: Trump is right to defend against China’s economic aggression

For years, Buffalo manufacturers have been competing—and often losing—against government-owned Chinese companies. US manufacturers are among the most productive in the world, but they simply can not overcome the hurdles posed by China’s longstanding predatory trade practices, including dumping, subsidies, intellectual property theft, and forced technology transfer. President Trump’s tariff plans will confront and deter…

Trump Looks to Assuage Trade Critics With Farm Package

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is seeking to blunt domestic opposition to its trade policies with a relief package for farmers affected by the U.S. trade spat with China, say officials involved in the discussions. [Bob Davis, Siobhan Hughes and Jesse Newman | April 12, 2018 | WSJ] The aid package, which could climb into the billions of dollars, is…