Even $200 Billion Isn’t Enough

Questions remain about just how many more U.S. exports China’s promised to buy to avert a trade war: U.S. officials have floated the figure of $200 billion annually, which would cut the bilateral trade deficit in half. Even if that were true, however — and Chinese officials have denied it — that massive buying spree wouldn’t bring down the overall U.S. trade…

Trump backers fear he’s deserting them on China

So much for that showdown with China over its trade abuses.  The Trump administration and its counterparts in Beijing continue rapidly deescalating their confrontation, with the U.S. reportedly agreeing to a deal to drop severe penalties on Chinese telecom company ZTE as the Chinese consent to removing billions of dollars in tariffs on American agricultural products.…

CPA Opposes “Skinny” NAFTA Deal

President should mend or end NAFTA, not tinker at the margins In recent months, trade negotiators for the US, Mexico, and Canada have been considering an overhaul of the 1994 NAFTA trade agreement. Due to opposition from Canada and Mexico, as well as the failed free trade lobby, insufficient progress has been made. The Trump…

CPA Statement on Framework Trade Deal with China

Dan DiMicco, Chairman of CPA: “The Trump administration framework deal with China, as reported this weekend, is on the wrong track. China has agreed to buy commodities that it would buy anyway. The deal does nothing to reduce the US trade deficit, grow American jobs, or boost domestic manufacturing. The Section 301 tariffs are designed…

There Won’t Be A Trade War With China

In the wake of President Donald J. Trump’s decision to impose modest tariffs on Chinese steel imports, a deluge of ostensibly “conservative,” Reagan-era think tanks began zealously parroting an archaic and repeatedly disproven boogeyman of the Eastern intellectual establishment: that tariffs are inherently evil and caused the Great Depression. [John Griffing | May 7, 2018 | WND]…