Comprehensive ITC Study Finds Little or No Benefit For U.S. From Trade Agreements

The US International Trade Commission (ITC) recently released a comprehensive analysis of the economic impact of all trade agreements the United States has entered into since 1985. Trade agreement negotiation, passage and implementation has been controversial throughout this time period. The ITC report is significant as the first recognition by a federal government trade agency…

CPA Model: US-UK Trade Agreement Would Make Over 3,000 Unemployed, Reduce GDP in U.S.

Key Points CPA’s economic modeling of a U.S.-U.K. free trade agreement that cut tariffs to zero between the two countries shows that such an agreement would increase unemployment by more than 2,000 jobs and reduce U.S. GDP by $142 million. This economic model includes for the first time a methodology for estimating job loss due…

The Negative Impact of GSP and Trade Liberalization on Developing Countries: A Review of the Economic Literature

The United States government has pursued trade liberalization for several decades. A substantial driver of this liberalization has been the assumption that more global trade would help developing countries become wealthier. However, there is considerable research that shows how trade liberalization policies have not always been the best tool to help support economic growth and…

Has the U.S. Learned Anything? Cut-Price China Face Masks Driving U.S. Mask Makers Out of Business

A year ago, at the height of the pandemic, a severe shortage of vital personal protective equipment (PPE) hit America. Hospitals were asking staff to re-use masks and other protective equipment. Health care professionals, political leaders, and ordinary people with family members in hospitals and on ventilators were all in agreement: the U.S. must not…

CPA Reshoring Index Improves Slightly in 2020 as Manufacturing Trade Deficit Plunges to Worst Ever

Executive Summary The CPA Reshoring Index is the first and only measure of U.S. producers’ share of the U.S. domestic market for manufactured goods. It is calculated from federal government data on manufacturing production, imports, and exports. The Reshoring Index for 2020 shows that U.S. producers had a 69.6% share of the U.S. market with…

CPA’s Dan DiMicco and Jeff Ferry Launch New CPA Report Showing Black & Hispanic Job Quality Well Below National Average

WASHINGTON — The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today released a new economic report that documents for the first time the severe disparity in historical job quality for Black and Hispanic workers compared to the national average for all U.S. workers. The report, “Quantifying Job Quality for U.S., Black, Hispanic, and Asian American Workers,”…

Quantifying Job Quality for U.S., Black, Hispanic, and Asian American Workers

CPA’s Job Quality Index reveals that Black Americans and Hispanic Americans suffer from far worse job quality than the total workforce, as measured by the weekly wages of all U.S. production and nonsupervisory employees. These disparities are due to the decline of high quality jobs such as those in the manufacturing sector and the rise…