Trump Administration Moves to End Deep Discounts for Packages From China

U.S. starts process to withdraw from a 144-year-old international postal body Editor’s note: CPA has been in contact with White House officials supporting this move to end the US postal system subsidization of Chinese commercial packages.  WASHINGTON—The Trump administration opened a new front in Washington’s economic conflict with China, starting a process Wednesday to withdraw from…

U.S. Department of Commerce Initiates Antidumping Duty Investigation of Imports of Mattresses from China

Editor’s note: CPA regularly monitors trade enforcement actions. Any CPA members are welcome to join our Trade Enforcement Committee which meets by phone approximately every 6 weeks.  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, October 12, 2018 Office of Public Affairs (202) 482-4883 [email protected] The U.S. Department of Commerce announced the initiation of a new antidumping duty (AD)…

DiMicco talks Trump, trade and drinking the Kool-Aid

Former Nucor Corp. CEO Dan DiMicco stoutly defended the Trump administration’s aggressive foreign trade policy and tariffs at a metals convention Thursday in Charlotte. When a worried manufacturer asked how long the tariffs would last, the often prickly DiMicco declined to offer much comfort. [John Downey | October 12, 2018 | BizJournals]  “This issue is not going…

Treasury Spells Out New Rules on Foreign Deals Involving U.S. Technology

Editor’s note: CPA supported the bill to strengthen controls on incoming foreign investment. The rules are now being written for implementation.  The Treasury-led interagency committee will now require foreign investors to alert it to all deals giving them access to critical technology across 27 industries—including semiconductors, telecommunications and defense—that the committee believes could threaten U.S.…