Press Release: CPA Praises Trump Administration for Labeling China a ‘Currency Manipulator’

Currency designation will initiate consultations on trade barriers Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today strongly praised the Trump administration for formally designating China as a “currency manipulator.” US manufacturers have long complained about Beijing’s currency manipulation, which has made Chinese exports artificially cheap in the US market. This is the first time…

Good for Google, Bad for America

Excerpt. “A.I.’s military power is the simple reason that the recent behavior of America’s leading software company, Google — starting an A.I. lab in China while ending an A.I. contract with the Pentagon — is shocking.” At its core, artificial intelligence is a military technology. Why is the company sharing it with a rival? [Peter Thiel | August 1,…

5 Smart Reasons to Tax Foreign Capital

Editors note: Professor Michael Pettis wrote the book called “The Great Rebalancing” and is a core expert on global trade and balances. He is supportive of the Competitive Dollar for Jobs and Prosperity Act recently introduced by senators Baldwin and Hawley. A bipartisan bill that would create a trade-balancing exchange rate for the dollar also aims to reduce…