Rejecting the religion that is free trade

Editors note: CPA member Roger Simmermaker explains how free traders wrongly focus on efficiency and low prices instead of production and employment. Exclusive: Roger Simmermaker warns of cost of ‘efficiency uber alles’ [Roger Simmermaker | September 8, 2019| WND] It is no secret that free traders worship free trade as a religion. Syndicated columnist and…

The Rise of Phantom FDI in Global Tax Havens

Editor’s note: The massive phantom foreign direct investment described in this article shows why CPA’s proposal for sales factor apportionment is needed for the US tax system. If companies were taxed, as we propose, on profits from sales in the US, shifting their profits to shell companies other countries would no longer benefit them. Empty…

US Trade Deficit Shrinks in July

Goods deficit with China declines 10% from last year By Steven L. Byers, PhD, CPA Senior Economist The US trade deficit in goods and services for July 2019 decreased by 2.7 percent, to $54.0 billion, down $0.2 billion from $55.5 billion (revised) in June.  The July decrease is due to a decline in the goods…