Recent global VAT trade distortion data

  (Map showing countries with a VAT in red.  Countries without a VAT in blue) Here is a valuable table showing VAT/consumption tax rates across the world for 2013 courtesy of Stewart and Stewart, a DC law firm specializing in international trade issues. While other countries have lowered tariffs, they have raised their VATs.  Thus,…

AISI provides comments on Foreign trade barriers

  The American Iron and Steel Institute announced the trade arm of the federal government that existing foreign trade barriers distort international trade and are extremely harmful to US companies especially those in the steel industry. [Reposted from Steel Guru |  November 6, 2014] The 45 pages of comments, signed by Mr Kevin Dempsey, senior…

Morici: Growth, Jobs and the GOP

Having won control of Congress, the GOP must now put forward a clear program to create jobs and govern reasonably, lest it give Democrats the upper hand for the 2016 presidential election. In recent months, the economic growth has accelerated, but most economists don’t see the pace picking up enough to solve the nation’s shortage…

GOP Election Victory Opens Pathway to Trade Bill

The Republican victory in the Senate won’t guarantee passage of stalled trade legislation, but it does sideline the bill’s biggest foe this year: Sen. Harry Reid. [By William Mauldin, 11/5/14, The Wall Street Journal] The Senate majority leader, a Nevada Democrat, dealt a body blow to President Barack Obama ’s trade policy in January when…

Commerce Issues Preliminary Determination Finding Chinese Solar Producers Receive Countervailable Subsidies

The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determined on June 3 that the Chinese government subsidizes the production and export of crystalline silicon photovoltaic solar cells (solar cells), as well as modules, laminates, and/or panels consisting of solar cells, with subsidy rates ranging from 18.56 percent to 35.21 percent. [by Ruby Hong | July 2014 |…

House Of Representatives Passes Manufacturing Bill

On September 15, 2014, just before Congress went into recess for the midterm elections, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2996, the Revitalize American Manufacturing and Innovation (RAMI) Act of 2013. [by Lauren M.. Donoghue | November 2014 | Trade & Mfg Alert] RAMI aims to grow U.S. manufacturing by strengthening collaboration between government, educational…