A California federal district court judge recently provided some clarity on the apparent disparity between California’s “Made in the USA” law and the standard set
[by Bill Gertz | November 26, 2014 | Washington Times] William A. Reinsch, former undersecretary of commerce for export administration under President Bill Clinton, offered
[Benjamin Zhang | November 28, 2014 | Business Insider] Range Rover’s Evoque crossover SUV has been one of the company’s most popular offerings. Suffice to
“60 Minutes” ran a report Sunday, “Falling apart: America’s neglected infrastructure,” describing the seriousness and damage to the economy caused by our country’s crumbling infrastructure.
Monday the U.S. Commerce Department said it appears that Chinese-made passenger car and light truck tires are subsidized by the Chinese government and are being
President Abraham Lincoln established America’s national day of Thanksgiving in 1863. As we work to rebuild our country and achieve broadly shared prosperity, it is
While hosting the World Internet Conference, China tries Tiananmen activist for leaking ‘state secrets’ to US website. [by Kevin Holden | November 20, 2014 |