The National Holiday called Christmas

Christmas is a national holiday and has been since 1870.  The holiday has a long history, not uncontroversial in its secular and religious versions.  As Historian David Barton pointed out: “In colonial America, the southern regions that were more directly linked to High-Church traditions (e.g., Anglicans, Catholics, Episcopalians) celebrated Christmas; but the northern regions especially…

Leo Gerard: Job Killing Trade Treaties

  Under billions of tons of imports, the American dream is suffocating. The American people have lost faith. They know that bad trade has bled factories, middle class jobs and wage increases from the country. [Reposted from the Campaign for America’s Future blog  |  Leo Gerard  |  December 16, 2014] A report issued last week…

M&T News: “President Obama, Wall Street Financiers, Corporate CEOs And Members Of Congress Meet Together To Plan Strategy To Sell And Pass Free-Trade Agreements”

  The country’s top executives from Wall Street and corporate America are working directly with President Obama and members of his cabinet and appointees on passing a free-trade agenda that is unpopular among the president’s natural constituents of democrats, labor unions, environmental and consumer groups and the American public as a whole. [by Richard McCormack…