Dan DiMicco: Dollar Surges to 11 ½-Year High Against Biggest Rivals

http://www.wsj.com/articles/dollar-surges-to-11-year-against-biggest-rivals-1420221525 The dollar kicked off 2015 by rallying against other major currencies, underscoring heightened expectations for robust U.S. growth in the new year relative to the rest of the world…..or trouble for the economy……. [Reposted from the blog of Dan DiMicco  |  Dan DiMicco  |  Jan 6, 2015] The article correctly points out the negative…

NY Times: “Obama’s Trade Chief, Undaunted by Odds, Pushes for Trans-Pacific Partnership”

  Michael Froman, the United States trade representative, is confident he can persuade Congress to approve a long-pending agreement that encompasses 12 countries. WASHINGTON — For Michael B. Froman, President Obama’s chief evangelist for expanding global trade, skepticism comes with the territory. [by Mark Landler and Jonathan Weisman | December 30, 2014 | NY Times]…