King & Spalding: U.S. Department of Commerce Initiates Investigations on Melamine from China and Trinidad and Tobago

On December 3, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced the initiation of antidumping and countervailing duty investigations on melamine from the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. [Reposted from the King & Spalding blog  |  Erienne Kilgore & Joshua Snead  |  January 6, 2015] The petitions were filed on November…

King & Spalding: Customs and Border Protection Issues Update of Enforcement Activities Related to Trade Orders

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued its first “AD/CVD Update” in December 2014. The AD/CVD Update provides information regarding CBP’s activities to collect antidumping (AD) and countervailing duties (CVD) from U.S. importers that attempt to evade their payment. [Reposted from the King & Spalding blog  |  P. Lee Smith  |  January 6, 2015]  CBP’s…

Bernie Sanders: Sign the Petition: Voice your opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a disastrous trade agreement designed to protect the interests of the largest multi-national corporations at the expense of workers, consumers, the environment and the foundations of American democracy. It will also negatively impact some of the poorest people in the world. [An Update from Senator Bernie Sanders  |  January 5, 2014]…