Sonoma County Gazette: Do NOT Fast Track the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Agreement

Despite his inspirational speeches about helping the middle class, President Obama is poised to outsource more well-paying American jobs and irretrievably subvert our democracy and national sovereignty to corporate interests, by ramming through the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Agreement. Even scarier, our Congress is poised to give him the right to do so, if…

New Zealand Telling US Congress What to Do

One aspect of the trade and global governance deals is that other countries, and global courts, tell the US what we can and cannot do. The New Zealand trade minister has now “ramped up the pressure on the U.S. Congress to pass a [fast track] Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill, saying the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)…

Goods Exports Decreased in 4th Quarter 2014

  The Bureau of Economic Analysis released its 4th Quarter Report on international transactions. Here is an excerpt showing how goods exports decreased and the trade deficit worsened. Goods and services       The deficit on goods and services increased to $127.0 billion in the fourth quarter from$123.9 billion in the third quarter.       Goods  The…