Seattle City Council Opposes Fast Track Consideration of International Trade Deal Directly Impacting Trade-Dependent Seattle

Council News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   3/30/2015  3:31:00 PM FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT:Josh Fogt, Councilmember O’Brien’s Office, (206) 684-8800, Dana Robinson Slote, (206) 615-0061    Council Opposes Fast Track Consideration of International Trade Deal Directly Impacting Trade-Dependent Seattle [A press release from the Seattle City Council] SEATTLE – City Council adopted a resolution today opposing…

Inside US Trade: U.S., China Set To Hold Second Round Of WTO Consultations On Export Bases

U.S. and Chinese officials will meet in early April for a second round of World Trade Organization consultations over U.S. allegations that Beijing provided prohibited export subsidies to companies operating in 178 industrial clusters known as “demonstration bases,” according to a spokesman for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. [Reposted from Inside US Trade …

Burlington County Times: Slow down Fast Track

Thirty years in the private sector has taught me that problem solving requires all parties to work together to get the best results. As a member of Congress now, I believe that lesson is even more important in making policy. [Reposted from the Burlington County Times  |  Rep. Tom MacArthur  |  March 31, 2015] Despite…

American Antitrust Institute: Commentary: Could the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Chapters in the Two Pending U.S. Trade Pacts Undermine Competition Policy?

The Obama administration is pursuing two major trade agreements—the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the European Union and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with eleven countries in the Pacific Rim. Provisions in these agreements could undermine national sovereignty and a slew of regulations, including laws protecting competitive markets. These threats stem in large part…