The Boston Globe: Who is writing the TPP?

Congress is in an intense debate over trade bills that will shape the course of the US economy for decades. Much of this debate has been characterized as a fight over whether international trade itself creates or destroys American jobs. There is, however, another major concern — that modern “trade” agreements are often less about…

Rep. Sandy Levin: An Open Letter to Progressives: TPP Is Not Yet ‘The Most Progressive Trade Agreement in History’

Eight years ago, Charlie Rangel and I worked with our House Democratic colleagues to co-author what became known as the “May 10th Agreement” on labor and environmental standards in trade agreements. For the first time, fully enforceable labor and environmental standards would be placed into our trade agreements on equal footing with every other commercial…

Pat Choate: Obama vs. Warren on Trade

An editorial by Pat Choate, a CPA supporter and author of “Saving Capitalism: Keeping America Strong”. President Obama is escalating his personal attacks on Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) because of her opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).  On Saturday May 9, 2016, he not only asserted in an interview with Yahoo that her opposition…

Salon: The 10 biggest lies you’ve been told about the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Today, the Senate makes a critical test vote on the Obama Administration’s trade agenda, kicking off a process that the White House hopes to end with the signing of an agreement between 12 nations called the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In preparation for this vote, President Obama has been deliberately antagonizing his critics, mostly liberal Democrats. Senator Elizabeth Warren…

The Washington Post: Elizabeth Warren fires back at Obama: Here’s what they’re really fighting about

In an interview with Yahoo News that ran over the weekend, President Obama intensified his push-back against Elizabeth Warren and other critics of the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, flatly declaring that Warren is “absolutely wrong.” That came after a speech Obama delivered at Nike headquarters, in which he continued making an expansive case for…

Roll Call: Democrats Push for Trade Sweeteners

Senate leaders are determining what provisions to include in a trade bill that is supported by the White House and the Senate majority, but not many Senate Democrats. [Reposted from Roll Call  |  Matthew Fleming  |  May 11, 2015] Two bills are expected to be included: TPA, known as fast track, which speeds up consideration of trade…