(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)       H R 2393      YEA-AND-NAY      10-Jun-2015      10:05 PM      QUESTION:  On Passage      BILL TITLE: Country of Origin Labeling Amendments Act of 2015   YEAS NAYS PRES NV REPUBLICAN 234 10   1 DEMOCRATIC 66 121   1 INDEPENDENT         TOTALS 300 131   2 —-…

The Hill: No, economics doesn’t say free trade is best

There is a myth in circulation that economics has vindicated free trade as the best policy across the board, and that anyone who doesn’t believe this “doesn’t understand economics.” [Reposted from The Hill  |  Ian Fletcher  |  June 4, 2015] But America’s free-trade agreements, like the mooted Trans-Pacific Partnership, don’t entail free trade at all.…

Ways and Means Press: Levin Statement on TPA Changes in Customs Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJune 10, 2015 CONTACTCaroline Behringer, (202) 226-1007 Levin Statement on TPA Changes in Customs Bill WASHINGTON – Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) today issued the following statement in regards to changes to the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act (“the Customs bill”) made by House Republicans: “Anyone who is thinking of…

CEPR: WSJ Joins the TPP Stumble

The Wall Street Journal promised “trade deficit myths” in its editorial on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and it certainly delivered. It begins by telling readers: [Reposted from CEPR  |  June 9, 2015] “The first problem with Ms. DeLauro’s charge is that running a trade deficit—that is, having more imports than exports—isn’t necessarily bad. In the…

Stewart and Stewart: Chinese Export Restraints – How Many More WTO Cases Before China Is Compliant With Its Accession Commitments?

After losing disputes at the World Trade Organization (“WTO”) in 2014, China has taken steps to bring itself into compliance on a case involving rare earth, tungsten, and molybdenum products.  For example, effective May 1, 2015, China eliminated export duties on rare earth minerals, tungsten, and molybdenum.[1]  China had previously, on January 1, 2015, eliminated…

Public Citizen: New Public Citizen Report Documents Systematic Bipartisan Betrayals on ‘Deals’ Made by Presidents, Congressional Leaders in Exchange for Trade Votes

For Immediate Release:                            Contact: Symone Sanders (202) 454-5108, [email protected]; Val Holford (301) 926-1298, [email protected] June 10, 2015                                                      New Public Citizen Report Documents Systematic Bipartisan Betrayals on ‘Deals’ Made by Presidents, Congressional Leaders in Exchange for Trade Votes Broken Promises, Lost Elections: Goodies Promised in Exchange for Trade Votes Don’t Materialize, Don’t Shield Representatives From Voters’…