Miami Herald: Marco Rubio fights conservative backlash over his support of Obama trade authority

Sen. Marco Rubio has a new headache from the right: His support for President Obama’s Pacific trade deal [Reposted from the Miami Herald  |  Alex Leary  |  June 24, 2015] “Marco Rubio Casts Deciding Vote For Obamatrade Without Even Reading It,” screamed a headline in Breitbart News, which last rode the Florida Republican on immigration. Deciding vote is…

R-CALF USA: Senate COOL Hearing Pathetically Biased

    For Immediate Release: June 25, 2015 Billings, Mont. – Today, the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry held a hearing regarding the United States’ country of origin labeling (COOL) law and trade retaliation. Five of the witnesses who were selected to testify at the hearing favored the immediate repeal of COOL to…