Returning from my summer hiatus

We are back from our summer publishing hiatus. There has been much to write about. I have stayed active on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter @DanRDimicco. I have been on the speaking tour discussing my book “American Made- Why making things will return us to greatness”. The reception from thousands to the message has been great…

Inside US Trade: Packed Agenda Covers TPP, TTIP, Xi Visit, India S&CD, Azevedo In U.S.

The U.S. trade agenda is jam-packed this week, with key developments taking place in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations and the U.S.-EU trade talks, along with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit, a U.S.-India commercial dialogue and a trip by World Trade Organization’s director-general to Washington. [Reposted from Inside US Trade  |  September 21, 2015]…

Letter from Senator Elizabeth Warren about TPA

[Editor’s Note: The following letter from Senator Warren was received by a CPA member this week.]   Dear Constituent: Thank you for contacting me about trade promotion authority (TPA).  As you may know, under TPA (or “Fast Track” authority), Congress agrees to expedited consideration of legislation that implements a trade agreement, and gives up its…

News Release: USDA Searches Globe for Cheap Beef While Congress Works to Ensure it Remains Undifferentiated in the U.S. Market

  For immediate release: September 18, 2015   USDA Proposes Today to Allow Fresh Beef Imports from Africa                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Billings, Mont. – After decades of depressed cattle prices that triggered the unprecedented liquidation of the U.S. cow herd that began in 1996, reports indicate that U.S. cow-calf producers are beginning to experience better times.…

Wow! AEI Hates Trump b/c they Love Trade Deficits?

The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) just released the most exceptionally misguided statement on trade that I’ve seen. They attack Trump for being against losing jobs and industries to China and Japan because AEI actually favors trade deficits! AEI’s headline is “Donald Trump flunks ECON 101 when it comes to international trade“.  The truth is that…