Nine Steel Associations Release Statement on the Question of China’s Treatment as a Non-Market Economy

  For Immediate Release The American Iron and Steel Institute, the Steel Manufacturers Association, the Canadian Steel Producers Association, CANACERO (the Mexican steel association), Alacero (the Latin American steel association), EUROFER (the European steel association), Instituto AcoBrasil (the Brazil Steel Institute), the Specialty Steel Industry of North America and the Committee on Pipe and Tube…

Alliance for American Manufacturing: Record Imports from China Hurt U.S. Manufacturing

Washington, D.C. – The Commerce Department released the latest monthly U.S. trade figures Wednesday. Chinese imports into the U.S. topped an all-time monthly record in September at $45.7 billion. [Reposted from the Alliance for American Manufacturing site  |  November 4, 2015] Said Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul: “Imports from China are killing America’s…

Donald Trump: Currency Manipulation China’s ‘Great Weapon’ Against U.S., Not Even Mentioned in Obamatrade

  GOP frontrunner Donald Trump tells Breitbart News Daily during a wide-ranging interview that China’s manipulation of its currency is a “great weapon” against the U.S. He’s also slamming Obamatrade’s secret multilateral deals made with groups of nations as a “horror show.” [ Katie McHugh | November 2, 2015 | Breitbart ] Executive chairman Stephen…

Straightforward Employment Problems

  I think the major reason Americans show appreciation for Donald Trump as a presidential candidate is because he is honest and straightforward. He may or not advance in his quest, but that is not the issue. Americans should thank him for bringing attention to the two words underlined above [Federal Triangle]. [ by Barry…

American Thinker: Trump on TPP: ‘Why can’t they just put it off until I become elected?’

In his October 24 speech in Jacksonville, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump discussed the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), the trade pact which President Obama just finished negotiating.  Trump asked a key question of the Republicans in Congress: “Why can’t they put it off until I become elected? [Howard Richman, Raymond Richman and Jesse Richman, American…

NYT: House Votes Overwhelmingly to Reopen the Ex-Im Bank

WASHINGTON — The House acted with rare bipartisanship on Tuesday to approve legislation that would reopen the federal Export-Import Bank, after a debate that underscored the split between the party’s traditional pro-business members and ascendant free-market conservatives who are suspicious of big corporations. [Reposted from The New York Times  |  Jackie Calmes  |  October 27,…