Inside U.S. Trade: Hatch Doubts TPP Vote In 2016, Says GOP Would Get Better Deal On Drugs

  Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) on Friday (Nov. 6) expressed doubt that Congress will take up legislation to implement the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) during the Obama administration and argued that a future Republican administration would negotiate a better deal on intellectual property protections for drugs. November 6, 2015 | Inside U.S. Trade…

WSJ: Why Opposition to Trade Deals Is So Entrenched

HAMBURG—Few places have a longer affinity for free trade than this German city, home to one of Europe’s busiest ports [Reposted from the Wall Street Journal  |  Daniel Michaels  |  November 8, 2015] The city’s left-leaning government overruled environmentalists in 2012 and approved deepening the Elbe River for bigger container ships. License plates boast of…

Jeff Sessions: Kill the ‘Anti-Democratic’ Trans-Pacific Partnership in the Crib, Repeal Fast-Track Authority Now

  Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, is calling for the immediate destruction of the 5,554-page Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trans-global trade deal introduced on Thursday. [ by Matthew Boyle | November 5, 2015 | Breitbart ] “The text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership runs…

Politico: Trade pact backers hit 2 big hurdles: Donald and Hillary

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are railing against the Trans-Pacific Partnership in the Democratic primary. On the right, GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump is ripping the trade deal as a “disaster” negotiated by “incompetent people.” [Reposted from Politico  |  Seung Min Kim  |  November 9, 2015] President Barack Obama’s herculean task of shepherding the landmark…

Domestic Manufacturers Call Full Text of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement a “Very Bad Deal for America.”

  Washington, DC.  With the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement finally made public today, advocates for domestic U.S. manufacturing are calling the agreement a very bad deal for America. American Economic Alert | November 5, 2015 U.S. Business & Industry Council President Kevin L. Kearns says that the the full agreement,…

AAM: Manufacturing Flatlines in October

The Department of Labor reported this morning that America’s manufacturing sector flatlined in October, creating no jobs last month. [Reposted from the Alliance for American Manufacturing site  |  November 6, 2015] The #AAMeter, which tracks President Obama’s promise to create 1 million new manufacturing jobs in his second term, remained at +370,000 jobs. Said Alliance…