China Warns U.S. After Trump Wins Nevada Caucus

China warned the United States on Wednesday not to adopt punitive currency policies that could disrupt U.S.-China relations after Donald Trump’s win in the Nevada caucus. [Bill Gertz| February, 24 2016 |Free Beacon] Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters in Beijing that “we are following with interest the U.S. presidential election.” Hua was asked…

CPA: Ten Reliability Concerns about Farm Bureau Report on TPP

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 26, 2016 Contact: Paola Masman, Media Director 202-688-5145 ext 2, [email protected] Washington ~ The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today raised concerns about the reliability of a recent advocacy document released by the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) purporting to show increased farm income if the Trans-Pacific Partnership is adopted. The…

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Boost or bust?

Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade agreement signed by the United States and 11 other countries, a good deal? Agriculture organizations are encouraging Congress to ratify the agreement that could increase made-in-America exports.  [Pat Kopecki| February, 24 2016 |Wilson County News| Groups such as the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association say that delaying ratification will cost…

More Than 100 State and Local Governments Considering Anti-TPP Resolutions

  More than 100 state and local governments have introduced or passed resolutions opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In addition, more than 100 resolutions opposing the TPP were passed at recent precinct caucuses in Iowa.  [Kenneth Quinnell| February, 18 2016 |AFL-CIO| Leaders like Jon Weissman, secretary-treasurer of the Pioneer Valley AFL-CIO, have condemned TPP while passing the resolutions. On…