Business group: Clinton will flip on trade after election

Big businesses can take comfort in the expectation that Hillary Clinton will revise her current anti-trade deal stance once she’s in office, according to the head of a prominent business association. [Al Weaver| March 16, 2016 |Washington Examiner] Speaking with reporters Tuesday, Business Roundtable president John Engler cited the Clintons’ family history of changing their…

Happy 4th Anniversary Korea US Trade Agreement: Thanks for Doubling our Trade Deficit

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 15, 2016 Contact: Paola Masman, Media Director 202-688-5145 ext 2, [email protected]Download PDF here Washington ~ Today America is celebrating the 4th Anniversary of the Korea-US (KORUS) Trade Agreement with a bilateral trade deficit that doubled. This single cold, hard fact shows that the current Trans-Pacific Partnership promises by the Obama Administration, which are…

Candidates weaponize free-trade issue

  Hillary Clinton hardened her stance against the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement Saturday in a last-ditch effort to prevent Democratic rival Bernie Sanders from riding a wave of populist anger to another victory Tuesday in a key industrial state. [Doug Palmer| March 12, 2016 |Politico] Her comments at a Youngstown, Ohio rally ratcheted up her criticism…

Which Side Are You On, Hillary?

“We’ve got to stand up for unions,” Hillary Clinton declared in her closing statement during the Democratic debate in Milwaukee last month. The line offered the labor-friendly audience a comforting rebuke to Gov. Scott Walker’s relentless attacks on Wisconsin’s unions. It generated passionate applause. [Dan Kaufman| March 12, 2016 |The New York Times] But Mrs.…

Trump vows to ‘rip up’ all trade agreements

  Republican front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday said he would rip up all existing free trade agreements if he wins the White House.  [Vicki Needham| March 3, 2016 |The Hill] Trump argued that he would greatly improve U.S. relationships with nations such as Mexico and China while lowering trade deficits. “I’m going to rip up those trade…