The SEC’s China Evasion

Editor’s note: SEC’s Clayton may need to find a new job. SEC refuses to go after China-owned publicly listed corps that won’t allow financial disclosures to be made public. Instead Clayton’s agency says “oh, just be careful”. Ridiculous. The commission’s ‘buyer beware’ announcement looks tough but actually is irresponsible. [Michael D. Mann and Arthur Levitt Jr.…

Braskem America factory workers lived at a plant for 28 days to make PPE raw materials to fight coronavirus

Editor’s note: For American workers stepping up to provide COVID supplies, we don’t need to drop those contracts (like facemasks) as happened after SARS. Government procurement needs to (a) STOP the low-price contracts which are really pro-China contracts and (b) offer longer-term contracts to USA producers so we can build capacity here. Otherwise we won’t…

Tax Avoiders Should Not Get Bailout Money

Editor’s Note: David Morse is the tax policy director at the Coalition for a Prosperous America Education Fund. Right now, Washington is preoccupied with efforts to support struggling U.S. businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Surprisingly, some companies that use tax havens to avoid paying U.S. taxes are trying to get their share of this relief aid…

Press Release | CPA Urges FEMA to Prioritize Domestic Manufacturers in Recovery Effort

Sends letter critiquing contracts that favor subsidized imports Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA), whose members include manufacturers and agricultural producers throughout the United States, today sent a letter to Pete Gaynor, the administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). CPA’s letter urged Gaynor to revise FEMA’s focus on awarding “low price”…