Greenpeace Leaks U.S.-E.U. Trade Deal Documents

LONDON — The Dutch chapter of the environmental activist group Greenpeace leaked on Monday a trove of documents from the talks over a proposed trade deal between the European Union and the United States. [Sewell Chan| May 2, 2016 |The New York Times] The documents, Greenpeace said, showed that American trade negotiators had pressed their European counterparts to loosen important environmental,…

Movement to Stop TPP by Canceling Lame Duck

Given the anti-TPP presidential campaign rhetoric from the leading candidates of both major political parties this year, supporters of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact are concluding that their only chance of getting Congress to approve the TPP will be during the lame-duck session after the November elections. [Larry Greenley| April 27, 2016 |The New American] They…

Democrats skeptical of TPP

While most agricultural groups and the Obama administration are touting the potential benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, top ag Democrats in Congress remain skeptical about the pact. [Chris Clayton| April 27, 2016 |The Progressive Farmer] Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minn., ranking member of the House Agriculture Committee, said TPP would fail if President Barack…

Economic Globalization Is a Choice

Economic globalization is often presented as an inevitability, a wave of the future to which we must either adapt or get left behind. But it isn’t. How much globalization we get and what kind are a choice, a result of deliberate political decisions we have the power to make or not make. [Ian Fletcher| April…

Is Bi-partisan Tax Reform Possible?

Tis the season of talk about tax reform. Every presidential election cycle, the candidates all propose some kind of tax reform. However, once the new president is elected, Congress does not do anything because tax reform becomes the “third rail” to special interests who lobby for or against reforms that would affect them. The last…