Obama puts Congress on notice: TPP is coming

The White House put Congress on notice Friday morning that it will be sending lawmakers a bill to implement President Barack Obama’s landmark Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement – a move intended to infuse new energy into efforts to ratify the flat-lining trade pact. [Adam Behsudi | August 12, 2016 | Politico] The submission of the draft Statement of Administration…

How the China Shock, Deep and Swift, Spurred the Rise of Trump

HICKORY, N.C.—In the late 1990s, this furniture-making hub seemed sheltered from the disruptive forces of globalization. Laid-off steelworkers from West Virginia, Tennessee and beyond streamed here for new jobs building beds, tables and chairs for American homes. The unemployment rate fell below 2%. [Bob Davis and Jon Hilsenrath| Wall Street Journal] These days, Hickory is still suffering…

TPP more likely to harm than help American workers

[Dan Lipinski| August 9, 2016 |Chicago Tribune] President Barack Obama has told Americans that the Trans-Pacific Partnership would grow American jobs as trade barriers are removed and exports to foreign countries increase. The same promises were made with past trade deals, but those deals wound up hurting America’s middle class. And unfortunately, a close reading…

Lame-Duck Prospects Fading for Pacific Trade Pact

In an elec­tion defined by Don­ald Trump’s eth­no­cen­trism, there’s at least one thing that both his and Hil­lary Clin­ton’s cam­paigns agree on: They want to un­ravel the Trans-Pa­cific Part­ner­ship, the largest re­gion­al trade pact meant to tie closer to­geth­er the United States, Ja­pan, and 10 oth­er na­tions around the Pa­cific Rim. Over the protests of…

They Still Back TPP as Trade Deficit Jumps

The U.S trade deficit has gone up again and it seems everyone is turning a blind eye toward it — except Republican nominee Donald Trump. [PoliZette Staff| August 5, 2016 |Lifezette] The deficit suffered an 8.7 percent jump in June and has officially reached a 10-month high of $44.5 billion, according to MarketWatch. This jump…