[Adam Behsudi| October 31, 2016 |Politico] If the Obama administration gets its lame-duck vote on the TPP, it will be ready. U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman tells Morning Trade that its preparation for such a moment has been exhaustive – and he expressed optimism, in light of outreach that’s been done on Capitol Hill, of…

Coalition for a Prosperous America Summit Discusses How to Grow Economy

[Michele Nash-Hoff| October 20, 2016 |Can American Manufacturing Be Saved?] On October 13, 2016, the “Southern California Manufacturing Summit” was held at the Wedgewood Center in Aliso Viejo. The summit was hosted by the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA), with SDG&E/Sempra Utilities as the major sponsor, along with a long list of non-profit organizations, regional businesses…

Restoring trust in our trade policy

[Stan Sorscher | October 25, 2016 | Huffington Post] I’m in favor of trade. I don’t know anyone opposed to trade. A better question is, “How should we manage globalization?” We’ve lost trust in our approach to globalization. The Brexit vote in Europe was a vote of no confidence. Millions of voters in our presidential campaigns send…

Reports: Trudeau inches closer to backing TPP

[Daily News | October 25, 2016 | Inside US Trade] While the Canadian government has lately been keenly focused on the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with the European Union, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made news in Ottawa Tuesday when he said it was “difficult” to imagine Canada not ratifying the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Trudeau spoke at…

Hook, Line and Stinker: The TPP Seafood Safety Threat

[Christian Detisch, Patrick Woodall | October 25, 2016 | Food and Water Watch] The bipartisan hostility directed at the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has been focused on the impact trade deals have on middle class working families. Last week in the final presidential debate, both candidates reiterated their opposition to the TPP. And this deal, the largest trade…