Agriculture Department, USTR looking for new outside advisers on ag trade issues

[Daily News | November 04, 2016 |Inside US Trade] A handful of federal advisory committees on agriculture trade issues are in need of new members, according to the Agriculture Department. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman said in a press release that the departments are accepting nominations through Nov. 18 for the Agricultural Policy…

Dairy Survey Underscores Producer Opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENovember 7, 2016 Contact: Andrew Jerome, 202-314-3106[email protected] Dairy Survey Underscores Producer Opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership   WASHINGTON (November 7, 2016) – As the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) struggles to gain support on Capitol Hill, Wisconsin dairy farmers overwhelmingly agree that Congress should reject the trade agreement in its current form. In a survey of…

TPP bills moving forward in Japan, New Zealand

[Daily News | November 07, 2016 |Inside US Trade] Trans-Pacific Partnership bills continue to advance in Japan and New Zealand as both countries move toward ratification. The Nikkei Asian Review reports today that a lower house committee voted to approve TPP on Friday “without the participation of the main opposition Democratic Party’s lawmakers who walked out ahead of…

Sources: Administration close to reaching biologics solution with Hatch

[Daily News| November 03, 2016 |Inside US Trade] Shortly before Congress returns for a lame-duck session, the Obama administration appears close to a solution that could satisfy Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) on his main Trans-Pacific Partnership concern, clarifying each country’s commitments on the market exclusivity period for biologics. The “fix,” sources said,…

WFU RELEASE: Opposition to Trans-Pacific Partnership evident in dairy producer survey

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENovember 2, 2016                              Contact: Danielle Endvick, 715-471-0398, [email protected] Opposition to Trans-Pacific Partnership evident in dairy producer survey CHIPPEWA FALLS – Responses to a recent survey sent out by Wisconsin Farmers Union (WFU) indicate dairy farmers throughout the state are against passing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in its current form. The survey, which was sent…

Sometimes, your trade deficit is thrust upon you

[Jared Bernstein | October 31, 2016 |Washington Post] Jared Bernstein, a former chief economist to Vice President Biden, is a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and author of the new book ‘The Reconnection Agenda: Reuniting Growth and Prosperity.’ This election has elevated issues of international trade to a degree that few…

TPP may see little support, no matter how congressional races end up

[Matt Johnson| November 02, 2016 |Politics in Minnesota] If Minnesota importers, exporters, ports and others involved in international trade benefit or suffer from either of two international trade treaties currently under consideration, Minnesota’s congressional delegation may factor little in the praise or blame. Two trade deals — the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and…

Obama Makes Late Push for TPP Trade Deal

[WILLIAM MAULDIN| November 1, 2016 |Wall Street Journal] President Barack Obama is forging ahead with a long-shot bid to bring a 12-nation Pacific trade agreement to a vote in Congress immediately after an election that has stirred deep antitrade sentiments in both parties. The administration’s push—which includes campaign support for congressional allies and targeted bids to convert naysayers—marks a huge…