Getting free trade right

[Peter Morici| November 20, 2016 |Washington Times] Globalization is inevitable and nothing about the presidential campaign changed that. Ever since merchants first moved among human settlements, people have exchanged goods, blended cultures and specialized to create wealth, but trade also creates winners and losers. Donald Trump has seized on an enduring truth: whether America or…

U.S. lawmakers advised to bar Chinese state-owned companies from buying U.S. firms

[Michelle Kim| November 11, 2016 |Market Watch] WASHINGTON — The United States should bar Chinese state-owned enterprises from acquiring U.S. companies – takeovers that give China an unfair advantage in trade relations, according to a report released Wednesday by a congressional advisory panel. While Chinese companies face less restricted access in the U.S., China has…

What CPA is Doing for You in DC This Week

By Michael Stumo Building upon, and solidifying, our bipartisan gains on trade is crucial right now.  The TPP is dead. Trump and the House Democrats agree on a surprisingly long list of trade issues. The working class voters decided the election, in large part on the trade issue, and Trump won. Dems are reeling from…


[DANIEL LOOKER| November 09, 2016 |Agriculture] For the past eight years, many farmers have chafed under what’s seen as regulatory overreach under the Obama Administration. Farm groups and Trump supporters expect that to be pulled back after the New York real estate mogul and reality TV star was elected the 45th U.S. president on November…