Trump Names Lawyer Lighthizer as Top Trade Rep

NEW YORK — President-elect Donald Trump announced Tuesday he will nominate lawyer Robert Lighthizer as U.S. trade representative, picking an experienced trade official who has questioned the conservative movement’s commitment to free trade. [Associated Press| January 3, 2017 |NY Times] Lighthizer, who served as deputy USTR under President Ronald Reagan, would play a key role…

Balanced Trade: Key To US Economic Rebirth

Balanced Trade: Key To US Economic RebirthBy Michael Stumo, President, and Jeff Ferry, Research Director, The United States has run a consistent deficit on our balance of trade for 40 years, a record for any major nation in the annals of modern record-keeping. A persistent trade deficit is a telltale sign that a nation is…


[Adam Behsudi| December 20, 2016 |Politico] President-elect Donald Trump met with veteran trade attorney Robert Lighthizer for 40 minutes at his Florida estate on Monday – 10 more minutes than allotted – sending out a strong signal that Trump may have found his man to lead trade negotiations for the incoming administration. Trump appears to be focusing more attention…