US trade chief seeks to reshore supply chain

Navarro wants more components made in America to spur domestic jobs and wages [Shawn Donnan| January 30, 2017 |Financial Times] Donald Trump won the presidency on the back of promises to shake up Washington. But according to his advisers he is also setting out to shake up the structure of international business and the global economy.…

Beyond the Art of the Individual Deal

President Trump can’t simply bully large corporations to deliver prosperity for the millions who elected him. [Peter Morici| January 31, 2017 |Washington Times] Although the succession of recently announced deals to keep or create jobs in America is impressive — United Technologies, Fiat Chrysler and others have jumped on board — the challenge of boosting…

President Trump Announces Manufacturing Jobs Initiative

(Washington, DC) — President Trump announced today that as part of his overall job creation agenda he will launch a Manufacturing Jobs Initiative. The White HouseOffice of the Press Secretary The President will be meeting with some of the world’s most successful and creative business leaders to share their experiences and gain their insights. President Trump plans…

Navarro on ‘garbage studies’ of Globalists

The White House appeared to take a further step toward embracing the border-adjustable tax plan on Friday when Peter Navarro, director of the White House’s new National Trade Council, told CNBC there was “no question that we need a border-adjustable tax of some kind.” The tax would have to be flexible, he said without providing details, but added: “Paul…


Trump specified when he signed a memorandum withdrawing from the TPP earlier this week that the administration was not going to shy away from trade deals altogether but would shift to focus solely on bilateral deals. And with an eye toward fulfilling a promise to reach agreements quickly, the administration has already outlined a set of criteria…